This event has been the hallmark MACCPAC event over the course of many years.  The reviews are phenomenal and come from individuals that are today involved in civic engagement.  With over 100 graduates, it is our most successful program to date.  The retreat is a week long program dedicated to training Muslim American youth in strategies and a road map to become more involved in their communities.   This program has trained future leaders in building, managing and developing relationships with their local political and governmental agencies and “build the bridge.”

Educations trips to Capitol Hill were organized for Muslim high school students in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the American political system.  Students had a meeting with officers of the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association and received advice regarding congressional internships and other career opportunities.


Annual Iftar & Eid Celebrations

Every year MACCPAC has brought together Muslim Americans and their local officials from Congress and different agencies to celebrate Muslim holidays.  These events were an excellent opportunity for Muslims to know their local representatives and develop closer relationships.  In addition, MACCPAC recognizes the contribution and dedication of leaders in the community.  

MACCPAC has organized a Community Reception Dinner honoring Congressman Andre Carson and White House Office of Public Engagement Associate Director, D. Paul Monteiro.  More than 300 guests and dignitaries attended this dinner, including political representatives and American Muslim national leaders from CAIR, MAS, ICNA, ISNA, AMA, IIT, & MUNA.  


Strong Partnerships

MACCPAC has successfully engaged Muslims from many different backgrounds and built a strong collaboration of Muslim and non-Muslim organizations all across the country.  MACCPAC has participated in White House conference calls about issues that affect millions of Americans, such as financial and immigration reform.

The MACCPAC team has met with officials from DHS to discuss national security issues and has outlined a series of programs to help further a dialogue between American Muslims and their elected officials.